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Saturday, January 31, 2015

ALEC: a Taxpayer-Funded Foundation Neocon Corporatist Cabal with State Politicians as Officers, Trustees & Directors


ALEC Corporations

The alphabetical list below contains the names of for-profit
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corporations that are known to be, or to have been, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) members or supporters.

Published by Charleston Voice, 05.09.12

Not only should ALEC have their IRS tax-exempt charter withdrawn, but likewise for their enemies, "Common cause", for instance, as well as all other "charities..... churches, synagogues & mosques included. Are your state elected reps on the list? See ALEC's tax filing Form 990. See the corporate membership list posted by "Source Watch"., a project of the tax-exempt Center for Media & Democracy which describes its charity as "receiving substantial funds from a government unit." CMD is closely aligned with leftist Amy Goodman's DemocracyNow, also a tax-exempt entity.

Democracy Now! receives indirect funding from George Soros, and direct funding from Soros' Open Society Institute, the Glaser Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Tides Foundation, the Public Welfare Foundation, the Schumann Center for Media and Democracy, and other left-leaning foundations.

ALEC Singled Out for Exemption from Lobbying Law in South Carolina
Wednesday, May 09, 2012

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), composed of conservative politicians and corporations that promote pro-business legislative agendas, has been allowed to lobby in South Carolina and other states without being required to register like other lobbying organizations.
The revelation was discovered by Democratic state Representative Boyd Brown, a critic of ALEC, who found that South Carolina lawmakers adopted legislation in 2003 that specifically exempted the conservative group—and no one else—from registering or disclosing its lobbying expenditures.

“I can’t get in a car with a lobbyist and drive up the street,” Brown told iWatch News. “But ALEC can give me a scholarship to fly across the country.”

Brown has introduced a bill that would remove ALEC’s exemption from lobbying laws.

ALEC also enjoys exempt status when it comes to lobbying regulations in Indiana and Colorado.

Common Cause last month filed a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service asking it to review ALEC’s status, saying it is “a corporate lobbying group masquerading as a charity” that promises its donors a tax deduction.

ALEC has been responsible for creating templates for more than 1,000 state bills, at least 200 of which have become law, including the controversial “Stand Your Ground” laws.

In the wake of recent controversies, some corporate members of ALEC, including Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds, Kraft, Mars, Wendy’s and Procter & Gamble, have reportedly dropped out of the organization. So too have 34 lawmakers.

-Noel Brinkerhoff
To Learn More:
ALEC Exposed (Center for Media and Democracy)